Friday, May 11, 2012

Body of 'dead alien' is found in frozen wastes of Siberia after claims of UFO hurtling to Earth... but is it an elaborate hoax?

It just seems too strange to be true.
But in the frozen wastes of Siberia two walkers claim to have found the body of an alien.
On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly-damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia.
The area is a known UFO hotspot and video of the alien's corpse has become a massive worldwide hit with hundreds of thousands of followers after being posted on the internet.
Alien life? This strange 'body' was discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned hotspot for extraterrestrial behaviour
Reports of aliens crashing to Earth as in the 1947 Roswell incident have led to images purporting to be of extraterrestrials (left) circulating the internet.
Popular fiction and Hollywood films, such as ET (right), continue to tap into the public's appetite for stories and conspiracy theories around alien life-forms
Reports of aliens crashing to Earth as in the 1947 Roswell incident have led to images purporting to be of extraterrestrials (left) circulating the internet. Popular fiction and Hollywood films, such as ET (right), continue to tap into the public's appetite for stories and conspiracy theories around alien life-forms 
The corpse of the badly-damaged creature which resembles ET is 2ft-high.
Part of the right leg is missing and there are deep holes for eyes and a mouth in a skull-like head.
UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash.
The area is a known UFO hotspot with dozens of sightings reported every year.
It follows reports of a UFO hurtling towards Earth in the nearby Irkutsk region of Siberia one month ago.
'We couldn't believe it when we saw it. And what was spooky is that there was no sign of the spaceship. Perhaps that was taken away and the body overlooked,' said Igor Molovic, one of the pair that uploaded the video.
The clip has now been seen by nearly 700,000 people within a few days.
Cynics claim the video is a fake using a carefully staged model for the alien's body.
But one fan wrote': 'It's so lame how people always get thrilled by having another excuse to shout "Fake! fake!" every time something weird shows up. Unless proven otherwise, this is in fact plausible.'
'If this is fake - then they are masters at models/puppets. I think it's real - one of the very few, great vid.,' said another.
UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
The purported existence of aliens featured heavily in the hugely successful TV series The X Files, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson (pictured)

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"Apollo Astronaut Chats About UFO, Alien Belief"

Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell returned from his mission to the moon a changed man. He has spent the last 35 years trying to use the tools of science to figure out what happened. Along the way, he says that people knowledgeable about an alleged crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, N.M., shared the information with him.
He's been speaking out ever since, most recently on a radio talk show that tripped off an unexpected wave of media attention. In a telephone interview with Irene Klotz, Mitchell sets the record straight -- as he sees it.
Irene Klotz: Hi Dr. Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell: Just a minute ... I'm sorry. My dog jumped in my lap and knocked over my coffee cup. It's OK. Go ahead.
IK: What's your dog's name?
EM: Oh, that's Cutie (Q.T.?)
IK: Cutie?
EM: Yup, I've got two of them and right now they're telling me that it's their suppertime and I must come in and fix their supper ... at least that's what they want.
IK: Well first of all thanks very much for making a little time. I wanted to ask you if there was anything about the radio interview you did that was different from what you've said in the past.
EM: No, there's nothing different. Several of (the reports of the interview) that I've seen come around have some flaws in them. Some of the reports pushed it or spun it incorrectly. NASA had nothing to do with anything I've done. I wasn't briefed by NASA. There haven't been any sightings as a result of my flight service there, so if that part of it comes out on anything you've seen it is just totally wrong.
IK: Yes, I did want to clarify that.
EM: My major knowledge comes from what I call the old-timers, people who were at Roswell and subsequent who wanted to clear the things up and tell somebody credible even though they were under severe threats and things -- this was back in the Roswell days. Having gone to the moon and being a local citizen out in the Roswell area some of them thought I would be a safe choice to tell their story to, which they did. Even though the government put real clamps on everybody, it got out anyhow.
Subsequent to that, I did take my story to the Pentagon -- not NASA, but the Pentagon -- and asked for a meeting with the Intelligence Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and got it. And told them my story and what I know and eventually had that confirmed by the admiral that I spoke with, that indeed what I was saying was true.
IK: You mean what had been told to you was true?
EM: Yup, in other words. There was a UFO crash. There was an alien spacecraft. This gentleman tried his damndest to get me in and like so many others in the administration over the last 60 years, since JFK's time, was unable to. He was told 'Admiral, you don't have a need to know, and therefore go get lost,' essentially.
IK: Have you ever come out and said who this person was who briefed you?
EM: No, I have not.
IK: Would you at some point?
EM: No, it is out and around but I don't feel like I have the liberty to do that.
IK: When did you have your meeting at the Pentagon?
EM: It was in the late '90s in Washington when I was there working with The Disclosure Project, trying to get all those opened up with another Naval officer by the name of Will Miller and Steven Greer, who you probably heard of. Steven and I don't really work on this anymore together, but we did at that point and getting to the Pentagon and seeing what we could do there to try to get this opened up.
IK: Why do you think the government hasn't acknowledged that there is life outside of Earth? I thought that was sort of the point of NASA.
EM: Well most people in government don't know. The government is highly compartmentalized. You could work next door to somebody for 30 years not knowing what they're doing in certain areas. The whole point of all of this ... goes back to World War II. This Roswell incident took place right at the aftermath of World War II when the U.S. Army Air Corps was split off and became the Air Force and the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), which was the intelligence service of World War II, was disbanded and eventually became the CIA. At that point the Cold War was just starting to move under way and we were at odds with the Soviets.
The Air Force was brand new and supposedly in control of the skies and didn't know what they were doing, and the CIA didn't know what they were doing, so Pres. Truman was in a big problem here: Here people were telling him there were aliens around and nobody knew if they were hostile or what they were and what was he going to do about it?
So he formed a committee, a very high-level military and academic and intelligent people -- politically powerful people -- and said 'You guys work on this.' And that was called ... the MAJIC 12. And they did pass a National Security Act, or so I'm told, under highly classified auspices, that gave this committee virtually unlimited power to deal with this issue, which they have done for the last 60 years, slowly excluding everybody -- including presidents.
You may remember that Pres. Clinton tried to send (Webster) Hubbell to find out about this at Wright Patterson. He got rejected. And Barry Goldwater, back in the '60s when he was getting ready to run for the presidency and who was a brigadier general in the Air Force Reserve tried to get information about it. He got rejected. And I'm told that Jerry Ford tried to do some finding out and he got rejected.
Jimmy Carter announced his observation of UFOs, but that never went anywhere so obviously he made no progress. Only in recent years has the public interest become acute enough and enough stories leaked out so that people are starting to believe that it's all real. And the fact of the matter is, it is.
They're still around and there's a lot of stuff going on.
Are you aware of the so-called Phoenix Lights Incident? That wasn't our stuff.
IK: I'm sorry. Can you say that again?

"Alien Abduction Stories Inspire Photographer Steven Hirsch"

Alien abduction -- the stuff of science fiction novels, movies, television and, many claim, real life.
Whether or not you believe the stories of people who say they've been spirited out of their cars on lonely country roads or lifted out of their beds while sleeping or zapped into a spaceship in front of several eyewitnesses, the tales are told by enough people to at least take a close look at this phenomenon.
"I believe there's a lot of idiosyncrasies going on in people, generally. I don't like to try to figure out why people are saying what they say. I take them for face value. I'm a listener and they are storytellers and I'm fascinated by the story," said photographer Steven Hirsch.
Hirsch, a New York City-based artist, specializes in photographing and interviewing people who are sometimes categorized as "fringe" members of culture. His work has been featured in NewsweekTimePeople and The New York Times. Hirsch's photographs have also been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art and the Library of Congress.
For a project he calls Little Sticky Legs, Hirsch interviewed people who claim to have been part of the alien-abduction experience.
"Are these people telling me the truth? I don't know," Hirsch told The Huffington Post.
One of the difficulties in trying to study alien kidnapping stories is that the people who make these reports fear they will be ridiculed. Nevertheless, many have come forward with recollections that are bizarre and often disturbing.
In Hirsch's photographic collection, which includes drawings made by each subject, they are identified only by first names.
"I don't know if they're against using their real or full names," he said. "I only use their first names to protect their anonymity. It's my choice."
"In 1996, I was sleeping in my bed and suddenly I'm being carried by six of the traditional ETs with the large heads and large eyes ... and I'm screaming bloody murder," recalled Janet.
"This is so unreal. Why isn't anybody rescuing me," Janet continued in her description of being kidnapped by short, grey-colored alien beings. "And the Grey on the right hand side -- the one that was carrying my foot -- said, 'Go ahead and scream all you want. You're in an energy field and no one could hear you.'"
And there's also...
Cynthia: "When I was in my thirties, I found out from my father the truth about a government experiment that I was part of in which they were using other alien DNA to create me..."
Sasha: "Some of them wore white robes. Some of them had long hair. They were all humanoid. There were some I couldn't quite tell what they were..."
Nancy: "They performed a laparoscopy on me. In 1961 in the medical field there [was] no laparoscopy. They explained to me that they wanted to see inside..."
Bruce: "I was standing on dirt and I was wondering where I was at. And right in the sky to my left was a huge moon-like body and in the immediate background was Saturn. And I could see hundreds and hundreds of rings. And I said, 'Where am I?' And he said, 'You're on one of the moons of Saturn.'"
That's how so many of these stories unfold, with a hapless human victim traumatized as he or she believes aliens have taken them against their will and brought them to what appears like an examination room where they are subject to various types of body probing.
The scenario generally ends with the kidnappers bringing their human targets back to the place where the drama started. The victims' memories are also conveniently wiped clean of the close encounter until regression hypnosis later brings them back to the conscious surface.
Prior to shooting portraits of alleged alien abductees, Hirsch put his camera's focus on things like the homes of registered sex offenders, tattooed nomads in a Manhattan park, and people offering what he calls "courthouse confessions."
"In many cases, a lot of the projects that I do are people telling me stories that are jaw-dropping, and whether they be criminals or drug addicts, the stories are amazing," he said.
Alien abduction reports were kickstarted in the early 1960s with the story of Betty and Barney Hill.
Watch this video of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction story:
In 1961, they were driving through the White Mountains of New Hampshire when they spotted a large, lighted object in the sky following them and then rapidly descending toward their car.
The Hills' account of being kidnapped by alien beings and subjected to physical examinations on board a UFO was the first widely publicized story of its kind because of the high credibility of the couple. It also marked the first time that the idea of alien abduction began to seep into the American culture.
Hirsch is still on the lookout for more individuals to photograph and collect ET kidnapping stories from.
"These stories, you have to either be a believer or not a believer. And I refuse to say whether I am or not, because it's not really important to what I do," he said.

19th Century--UFO

Friday, May 4, 2012

"Aliens - The Alien Agenda"

All the evidence seems to suggest that integration into human society is the aliens' ultimate goal. Indeed, the abductees are already living with the burden of alien visitation and manipulation.
It is now possible to discern at least four specific Programs that the aliens have put into effect to achieve their goal:
  1. The Abduction Program. The aliens initially selected human victims around the world and instituted procedures to take these humans and their progeny from their environments without detection.
  2. The Breeding Program. The aliens collect human sperm and eggs, genetically alter the fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in human hosts, and make humans mentally and physically interact with the offspring for proper hybrid development.
  3. The Hybridization Program. The aliens refine the hybrids by continual alteration and breeding with humans over the generations to become more human while retaining crucial alien characteristics. Perhaps humans are also altered over time and acquire alien characteristics.
  4. The Integration Program. The aliens prepare the abductees for future events. Eventually, the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate into human society.
The aliens have suggested that the time is not far off when their Programs will end and they will have achieved their goal. Many abductees feel that "something is going to happen" soon and that the aliens have their goal within sight.

UFO over Hong Kong, China / May 3, 2012

"Aliens - Alien DNA"

Aliens - Alien DNA
Scientists are nearing the next step in DNA technology, they have mapped almost the entire human genome. What did they find to be common in every human? ?Junk DNA.? They have not been able to find any function that this DNA provides.
I have found that this DNA may not be junk at all, but could code for psychic abilities. This may sound like something out of a 50?s B movie, but it has been documented. The military and government have had programs focusing on telekinesis and remote viewing. The results were never made public of course, but they still conducted them.
Many of the people who report to have these abilities happen to be abductees. This is what leads me to believe that the portions of our DNA that supposedly serve no function, control the other portions of our brain which we do not use. We currently use only 10% of our brains, so who is to say that other portions that have been dormant throughout our evolutionary advancement don?t control esp, telekinesis, remote viewing, etc?
Why abductees? Simple, one of the current theories as to why the aliens are abducting people is to create an alien/human hybrid race that will have the abilities of both species. Many abductees have reported that the aliens do not speak with their mouths, but through telepathy. It seems that after repeat abductions, many people gain similar abilities. If the aliens are trying to make a change in human evolution, what better way that to reactivate these dormant traits so that human beings will be able to have a cosmic awareness instead of just a global one?
Junk DNA that seems to have no function in our current state as a species may be in fact part of our creator?s original blue print. We have the ability to use other portions of our brains, instead our society has stunted our growth and prevented us from developing into a truly ideal society.
To put some personal experience into this theory, when I was younger, on several occasions, I had dreams that came true. I am not talking about some fairy tale crap, I mean interactions with people, places and events. I dreamt about a specific thing happening at school and the next day it happened.
I was raised catholic, and through my upbringing this ability, power, whatever you want to call it diminished to the point of non-existence. Once I gave up all religion and started investigating aliens and the paranormal, this ability has come back, and since my recent abduction experiences, it has been increasing ever since.

"THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?"

UFOs exist, the proof is undeniable. Thousands of people make reports yearly of strange lights performing impossible maneuvers that traditional earth-bound aircraft, commercial, military, etc; could never accomplish. While most of the world's governments try to deny the reality of their existence, they blame the sightings on natural aerial phenomenon, the planet Venus, swamp gas, weather balloons or mass hysteria.
There is one ultimate truth that the world is afraid to accept...the reality that we are not alone in the universe, the proof is here, the proof is real, seek out the truth...Aliens the Truth.

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

UFO: "Ontario witnesses report 'inter-dimensional doorway'"

An Ontario witness says some UFOs may be inter-dimensional rather than 'extraterrestrial'. What do you think? As background, Dr. John Lash has documented ancient Pagan Gnostic insights on the archons -- lower dimensional artificial life forms.

An Ontario, Canada witness reports seeing a UFO enter into an apparent inter-dimensional doorway on 28 April 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness reports he is in a part of Ontario, Canada, where he had observed UFOs on a daily basis for the last two years.

“This report page does not give much leeway -- It is suited for one particular sighting and I wanted to report multiple sightings on almost a daily/nightly basis for the last year or two. Where I live has become a virtual hotbed for UFO sightings.”

The witness with a companion(s) have been observing UFO sightings nightly. These have included sightings with a blinding light.

“We sit on lawnchairs on our front lawn at night and observe the sky and always they show up. Sometimes they sit still, and flash a light so bright it blinds us.“

The witness notices UFOs that travel into an out of Earth’s atmosphere on a regular basis.

"We often see these UFOs heading out of Earth's atmosphere and entering into space. At that time they begin to look like a satellite crossing the sky. This sort of behaviour is common, and we witness it every time.”

The witness reports that these UFOs have been in different colours.

“[T]he colours we see the most are Red, Blue, Green and white brightness.”

The witness reports seeing one time an orange UFO even follow an aeroplane in broad daylight.

“Two nights ago we saw an orange one following a plane. This morning was the first we have seen in daylight hours.”

Then one night the witness watched something particularly unusual. He reports seeing out of the blue a “doorway” opening up to an apparent different dimension.

“I witnessed a dimensional door open in thin air above my roof one night. There had been nothing unusual before in that part of the sky."

The witness reports that this occurred around 10 PM.

“At around 10pm when I was only steps away from my front door I began to see a bright light in the sky which caught my eye."

“The UFO became very bright, and then as quickly as I noticed that UFO, it dimmed to a bright Red light and then proceeded to move slowly vertically across the sky."

The witness took note of the approximate height above the sky of the UFO activity he witnessed.

“I would approximate height to have been 1000 feet up.. Maybe less. As it moved slowly across the redness of the light began to dim."

“I followed the particularly unusual UFO with my eyes. I was transfixed on it. The witnessed then further reports seeing unusual aerial movements."

“After roughly 30 to 45 seconds I began to notice a movement to the left. The movement appeared to be reacting to the presence of that UFO transfixed in my sight."

At that time, he began to see an apparent "dimensional doorway".

“I could see both things in my range of vision. The “doorway” which seemed to open was like something right out of a science fiction novel, but I swear it’s the truth.”

He noted that unusual activity associated with the sky above.

“[T]he sky peeled back, like a blanket being pulled back as you climb into bed. Stars disappeared from the night sky where this opening in thin air now appeared, like a door opening. When I looked at the UFO entering this apparent dimensional doorway, it was getting dimmer and dimmer as it passed into this black hole."

The sky in this area then returned back to normal.

“As it disappeared from sight, the sky folded back into place, and the stars in that particular area of the sky reappeared. This was my most exotic sighting ever.”

“Having witnessed this phenomenon, I firmly believe these are inter-dimensional beings and not ‘extraterrestrial‘."

No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on 25 April 2012. The above quotes were edited for clarity.

The following is the unedited and as yet un-investigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that many UFO reports can be explained as something natural or terrestrial in origin.
Internet site reference:

Friday, April 27, 2012


That's real funny and fake, right? HAHAHAHA

"UFO Near The Sun: Curious NASA Photo Stirs Debate"

Anything getting close to the sun -- with temperatures estimated at 9,900 Fahrenheit -- would surely burn up.
However, if that object were an alien spacecraft it could be equipped with a technology that could withstand that enormous heat.
Of course, that's a very big "if."
On April 24, a camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory seems to have captured the image of something very large and artificially constructed hovering perilously close to our solar neighbor.
The NASA video shows something that looks like a huge, sectioned object with some sort of lengthy attached mechanical arm.
As the video spreads around the Internet, UFO believers are claiming the object is an alien spaceship.
Watch NASA video of the object in question:
According to Life's Little Mysteries, a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory, or NRL, theorizes the object in space is just a collection of streaks left by cosmic rays that hit the camera's CCD sensor.
"The streaks in question are consistent with energetic particle (proton) impacts on the CCD, something which is apparent in just about every image," Nathan Rich, of the NRL's solar physics branch, told the website.
"These artifacts do not persist from image to image," Rich added, which suggests the cosmic streaks can explain what UFO proponents are hoping turns out to be an extraterrestrial craft.
A cosmic ray burst on the camera may also account for the "boom arm," pictured below, that seems to be attached to the hinged "spacecraft."
This story is raising the kind of interest as a previous NASA image did last December when the space agency's Heliospheric Imager-1 telescope photographed part of the solar wind streaming from the sun.
Ever-vigilant ET hunters claimed the ejected solar material uncovered a hidden or cloaked alien spaceship near the inner planet Mercury.
In that case, Rich told The Huffington Post that the "alien" image was a visual after-effect or ghost artifact of Mercury that was photographed the previous day.