Friday, April 27, 2012


That's real funny and fake, right? HAHAHAHA

"UFO Near The Sun: Curious NASA Photo Stirs Debate"

Anything getting close to the sun -- with temperatures estimated at 9,900 Fahrenheit -- would surely burn up.
However, if that object were an alien spacecraft it could be equipped with a technology that could withstand that enormous heat.
Of course, that's a very big "if."
On April 24, a camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory seems to have captured the image of something very large and artificially constructed hovering perilously close to our solar neighbor.
The NASA video shows something that looks like a huge, sectioned object with some sort of lengthy attached mechanical arm.
As the video spreads around the Internet, UFO believers are claiming the object is an alien spaceship.
Watch NASA video of the object in question:
According to Life's Little Mysteries, a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory, or NRL, theorizes the object in space is just a collection of streaks left by cosmic rays that hit the camera's CCD sensor.
"The streaks in question are consistent with energetic particle (proton) impacts on the CCD, something which is apparent in just about every image," Nathan Rich, of the NRL's solar physics branch, told the website.
"These artifacts do not persist from image to image," Rich added, which suggests the cosmic streaks can explain what UFO proponents are hoping turns out to be an extraterrestrial craft.
A cosmic ray burst on the camera may also account for the "boom arm," pictured below, that seems to be attached to the hinged "spacecraft."
This story is raising the kind of interest as a previous NASA image did last December when the space agency's Heliospheric Imager-1 telescope photographed part of the solar wind streaming from the sun.
Ever-vigilant ET hunters claimed the ejected solar material uncovered a hidden or cloaked alien spaceship near the inner planet Mercury.
In that case, Rich told The Huffington Post that the "alien" image was a visual after-effect or ghost artifact of Mercury that was photographed the previous day.

Friday, April 20, 2012


"UFO Sightings New York, China, Russia, Jerusalem, Norway Worldwide"

UFO Sightings New York, China, Russia, Jerusalem, Norway WorldwidePosted April 19, 2012New York UFO: UFO Sightings are being reported daily Worldwide.The increase of UFOs was first observed by media last year when thousands of Norwegians witnessed a strange spiraling light in the sky which was also seen in Australia and Moscow leaving scientists baffled. China airports have been closed down a dozen times since 2011 due to unexplained flying vessels (UFV's). A glowing sphere was witnessed in Jerusalem last January hovering and then emitting blinding flashes of light over the holiest site in the world the Dome of the Rock which was witnessed and videotaped by several different cameras.

UFO Alien saucers in the skies.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Crop Circle?

That's so strange activities in Area 51! What do you think everybody? Do you think is it the Crop Circle?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

UFO_TOP10 IN 2011

There are so many amazing stuff here!  True or Not ???????