Friday, May 11, 2012

Body of 'dead alien' is found in frozen wastes of Siberia after claims of UFO hurtling to Earth... but is it an elaborate hoax?

It just seems too strange to be true.
But in the frozen wastes of Siberia two walkers claim to have found the body of an alien.
On its side with its mouth slightly agape, the slender, badly-damage body lies half-buried in snow close to Irkutsk, Russia.
The area is a known UFO hotspot and video of the alien's corpse has become a massive worldwide hit with hundreds of thousands of followers after being posted on the internet.
Alien life? This strange 'body' was discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned hotspot for extraterrestrial behaviour
Reports of aliens crashing to Earth as in the 1947 Roswell incident have led to images purporting to be of extraterrestrials (left) circulating the internet.
Popular fiction and Hollywood films, such as ET (right), continue to tap into the public's appetite for stories and conspiracy theories around alien life-forms
Reports of aliens crashing to Earth as in the 1947 Roswell incident have led to images purporting to be of extraterrestrials (left) circulating the internet. Popular fiction and Hollywood films, such as ET (right), continue to tap into the public's appetite for stories and conspiracy theories around alien life-forms 
The corpse of the badly-damaged creature which resembles ET is 2ft-high.
Part of the right leg is missing and there are deep holes for eyes and a mouth in a skull-like head.
UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash.
The area is a known UFO hotspot with dozens of sightings reported every year.
It follows reports of a UFO hurtling towards Earth in the nearby Irkutsk region of Siberia one month ago.
'We couldn't believe it when we saw it. And what was spooky is that there was no sign of the spaceship. Perhaps that was taken away and the body overlooked,' said Igor Molovic, one of the pair that uploaded the video.
The clip has now been seen by nearly 700,000 people within a few days.
Cynics claim the video is a fake using a carefully staged model for the alien's body.
But one fan wrote': 'It's so lame how people always get thrilled by having another excuse to shout "Fake! fake!" every time something weird shows up. Unless proven otherwise, this is in fact plausible.'
'If this is fake - then they are masters at models/puppets. I think it's real - one of the very few, great vid.,' said another.
UFO fans believe the body could have been left behind by ET visitors after an accident, or missed by Russian military alien experts clearing up after a crash
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
The purported existence of aliens featured heavily in the hugely successful TV series The X Files, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson (pictured)

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1 comment:

  1. I have same hobbies like you, I really want to know it's that E.T real exist in the world? interesting topic, I like it.
